Week 2 – prep work

  • Complete the DAILY private practice of The Chair Relaxation. Minumum 15 minutes, maximum 30 mins (you choose the time)
  • Write up your relaxation journal directly after completing the exercise. You will have 7 entries (one from week 2 class)
  • Create a folder “week 2” in the prep work section of your google drive folder and upload all of your relaxation journals by 4pm UK time of class 3
  • During the week practice active listening in your day to day life and observe yourself
  • At the end of the week answer the following questions (to be uploaded on a Google Doc into week 2)


  1. Did I get distracted when practicing active listening?
  2. Where did my awareness wander to when distracted?
  3. Were there moments of complete surrender and presence when practicing active listening?
  4. Describe your connection to the other person when present with active listening AND distracted with active listening
  5. Which was more enjoyable? (distracted or present)
  6. What lessons has this exercise taught me that I can implement into my acting work?