Week 4 – prep work

  1. Daily relaxation, focus on areas given in feedback
  2. Daily relaxation journal, create a new folder Week 4 and upload 7 journal entries (include one from last night)
  3. Bring an activity e.g knitting, gluing a broken plate back together, sewing something on a piece of clothing (it has to be something that would take 10-15 minutes to complete)
  4. Practice active listening throughout the week with everyone you come across and answer the following questions
  1. 1. How did I know I was present and actively listening?
  2. 2. How did my body respond when I was actively listening?
  3. 3. How did I know when I was distracted?
  4. 4. How did my mind and body respond when distracted?
  5. 5. What has surprised me about this exercise?
  6. 6. What lessons have I experienced that will serve me in my acting

(add your answers onto a doc and upload into week 4 prep work)